Investment Calculator

Calculate Investment

Interest Compound Frequency:

Investment Amount:

Profit Percentage:

Time of Investment:

Investments act as an efficient tool to meet financial goals. When you are planning to start investments or are a regular investor already, an investment calculator helps you in understanding the working of your investment. You can know the investment returns you can earn as per your investment amount, profit rate, period of investment and compounding frequency.

Working of an Investment Calculator

An investment calculator can give an approximate value on how much you can expect from your investments. You need to enter the amount of investment you’ve already made or yet to invest. 

Along with the investment amount, give the investment period and the profit percentage you are expecting from the investment. The profit percentage usually is a number you can take from the past performance of the investment as not every investment offers a fixed profit percentage. 

An investment calculator takes everything into account and gives the results that can you expect after the tenure of the investment. 

What is Compound Interest Frequency?

Usually, investments work on the basis of compound interest where the profit earned on the investment earns profit which overall multiplies the investment profit in time. 

The investment calculator breakdown gives a clear picture of how the investment grows monthly till the end of the investment period. 

An investment calculator makes investing easy with a clear picture of returns and the breakdown. During inflation, savings is not ideal but certain investments hedge against inflation and grow immensely fulfilling your financial goals easily. 

Popular Investment Options in Dubai and UAE

Here’s a list of popular investments in Dubai and UAE for both UAE nationals and Expats 

  • Real Estate 

  • Stocks 

  • Mutual Funds 

  • Fixed Income Options   

  • Gold Investment 

  • Fixed Deposits  

Investments are definitely involved with risks but determining your risk appetite and investing in the suitable asset is the right way of investing.