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Today's Live Gold Price in Abu Dhabi

Gold Report 24-Carat

(in AED)


(in AED)


(in AED)

Today 3253 3039 2489 0.00%
Yesterday 3253 3039 2489 0.00%
1 Week ago 3218 3008 2463 0.00%
2 Weeks ago 3209 3000 2457 0.00%
3 Weeks ago 3176 2969 2432 0.00%
4 Weeks ago 3126 2924 2395 0.00%
1 Month ago 3192 2984 2444 0.00%
3151 2946 2413 0.00%

Gold rates in other regions

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Gold Price Calculator - Abu Dhabi

Gold Price History in Abu Dhabi

Check the historical Gold rate in Abu Dhabi which will help in understanding the gold rate trend before making the purchase. (Per 10 grams).

Today: 3253 AED
High: 4367 AED
Low: 4321 AED
Last Updated: 0 Minutes ago | January 16, 2025

Gold Rates In Other Regions

Check Gold Rate in Abu Dhabi and in other regions.

Today's Gold Rate Per 10 Grams in different Countries

Gold Unit UAE

(in AED)


(in INR)


(in USD)


(in EUR)


(in GBP)

24 Karat 3253 86731 885 861 724
22 Karat 3066 81743 834 811 682
18 Karat 2511 66964 683 664 559
14 Karat 1896 50563 516 502 422
10 Karat 1353 36079 368 358 301

Today's Gold Rate in Abu Dhabi and India

Compare Today's Gold rate in Abu Dhabi and India before purchasing the gold (rate per 10 gms).

Gold Unit Abu Dhabi

(in AED)


(in INR)

24 Karat 3253 86731
22 Karat 3066 81743
18 Karat 2511 66964
14 Karat 1896 50563
10 Karat 1353 36079

Gold Price in Abu Dhabi, UAE

Abu Dhabi has a large number of gold dealers and many people consider buying gold from Abu Dhabi because the region has the purest gold at low-profit margin. The gold rate tends to change almost daily globally. The gold rate in Abu Dhabi today per 10 grams stands at AED today-gold-rate

Factors that affect the Gold prices in Abu Dhabi

International Currency - Usually, international currency is one of the factors that affect the gold price. As AED is pegged to USD, any fluctuations in the dollar have an impact on the gold price. 

Gold Related News - The gold news related news that is broadcasted on a daily basis affects the gold buying and selling preferences.

Supply and demand -  The supply and demand in the market is a well-known fact to affect the price of the commodity

How to check Gold Purity?

Some of the ways to check the purity of gold are, 

Check the scale of purity - The Genuine and reliable gold stores mark the gold product with a scale of purity which can be a Hallmark stamp. So always remember to check the Hallmark step before purchasing.

Magnet Trick -  If gold is pulled towards a magnet then it is not pure gold because pure gold is not magnetic. You can try this simple trick and check.

If the metal is not gold its color gets faded and discolored, so you even can notice the purity by checking by this method.

Things to remember before buying gold in Abu Dhabi

The tips to get gold at a low rate are-

It is well-known that the gold rate keeps The gold price keeps changing so before purchasing check the gold rate today in Abu Dhabi and be Updated.

Understand the different variants of gold before making the purchase

There is nothing wrong with bargaining and requesting for a reasonable price

Don’t stop at the first store you visit. Check various stores and avail the best deal. 

Check: Today's Gold Rate in Dubai 

Is Gold a Smart Investment in Abu Dhabi?

The reason why gold is considered as safe and smart Investment are -

Smart Saving Option - Purchasing Gold can be similar to savings considering its resale value with good returns. 

Gold Investment is beneficial in Long term - Investment in gold for the long term can be safe. One can sell gold hassle-free at any time for cash.

Increase in Value - The gold price all over the world is just increasing and tends to increase the same way.

Various Gold Investment options in Abu Dhabi

The Various  Gold Investment options in Abu Dhabi are-

  • Physical Gold
  • Gold ETF
  • e-Gold
  • Gold saving funds

Frequently Asked Questions

⭐ What is the gold price today in Abu Dhabi?

A. The gold price today in Abu Dhabi is AED today-gold-rate (per 10 grams).

⭐ Is pure gold available in Abu Dhabi?

A. 24K gold is considered the purest form of gold. Yes, there are many places where you can find pure gold in Abu Dhabi. But ensure to check the hallmark on the product.

⭐ Can we buy gold online in Abu Dhabi?

A. Yes. There are several gold jewellers that are offering gold purchase facility online on their websites.

⭐ Is it better to purchase an ornament or gold coins?

A. Considering the making charges levied you can choose between purchasing a gold ornament or coins.

⭐ Can I buy gold in Abu Dhabi in installments?

A. Yes. Some of the credit cards offer EPP (Easy Payment Plan) on gold purchases.

⭐ Is VAT levied on gold in Abu Dhabi?

A. Yes. 5% VAT is levied on gold purchases in Abu Dhabi.

⭐ Can I sell the gold purchased in Abu Dhabi anywhere else?

A. Yes. You can sell gold purchased in Abu Dhabi anywhere in the world.